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Oxford Dictionary have named the bloody 'cry laughing' emoji the word of 2015

How dare you. How DARE you.

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YESTERDAY EVENING, Oxford Dictionaries announced that its Word of the Year for 2015 was not in fact a word, but an emoji. 

The cry laughing emoji.

It’s the first time ever an emoji has been named Word of the Year – the decision was explained on the Oxford Dictionaries blog:

The cry laughing emoji was chosen because it was the most used emoji globally in 2015. [Mobile technology business] SwiftKey identified that the cry laughing emoji made up 20% of all the emojis used in the UK in 2015, and 17% of those in the US.

Our beef isn’t with the fact that an emoji has been chosen as Word of the Year, though there has been outrage over it:

Our beef is, and always has been, with the vastly overused cry laughing emoji - AKA The Worst Emoji In Existence. Nothing is that funny. Nothing.

There are so many other, more worthy options. How about the dancing lady emoji, the universal symbol of fun and frolics?

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Or the praise hands emoji, the highest honour a meal, song, or film can receive?

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And when will the beloved moon emoji get its dues? #JusticeForMoonEmoji

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Oxford Dictionaries, we beg you to reconsider. Don’t give people any more reason to use and abuse the cry laughing emoji. Please.

More: The cry laughing emoji needs to be stopped – here’s why> 

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